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SHINE 2Europe aims to promote inclusive communities to all citizens by delivering research services and support to the implementation of tech-Savvy, Healthy and INclusivE solutions (SHINE) in Europe, with a clear vision of promoting inclusive societies for all.

The promotion of inclusion ranges from aspects such as gender, race, age, personal opinions and lifestyles, literacy and skills levels, environmental concerns and sustainability, with shared responsibility between all citizens and within democratic values, fostering awareness raising, advocating for the most fragile citizens and calling up the public attention for specific interventions.

What we really foster is to help imagining a society that is already built taking into consideration the different needs of all citizens and creating solutions that can help them to be happy and have a healthy and fulfilled life.

In AI4HF, SHINE is leading Work Package 1: “Multi-stakeholder engagement and social Innovation”, which aims to develop the methodology to involve all relevant actors in the evaluation and implementation of Artificial Intelligence tools for heart failure. The goal is to give voice to patients, healthcare professionals, caregivers, policy makers, researchers, ethicists, regulators and AI engineers and have them discussing together what is needed to develop a reliable and useful tool, capable of reaching out to people and improving their quality of life.

SHINE is also leading the socio-ethical and legal requirements and assessment process concerning the socio-ethical implications of this work, including the diversity of contexts, countries, and populations.


Carina Dantas
Carina Dantas
Miriam Cabrita
Miriam Cabrita
Harm op den Akker
Harm op den Akker
Natália Machado
Natália Machado